Ways to Give
Green Allies is a private 501c3 non-profit organization that relies entirely on the generosity of grants and donors to conserve and promote Althouse Arboretum, our unique environmental center. Because we are not a city, state, or federal entity, we are not supported by tax revenues.
Donate Now
Individuals, small businesses, and institutional donors can support our mission in a number of ways!
Donors help to protect native flora, and habitats and assist in our mission to empower and support students to innovate and lead environmentally sustainable efforts. Our trails are available to all and our open space is also a living classroom for hundreds of area schoolchildren. They explore nature and learn environmental science and ecology concepts through hands-on programs at Althouse Arboretum.
Matching Gifts
You can double – and even triple – the value of your donation just by utilizing your employer’s Matching Gift program! Check with your HR department. Here’s a partial list.
IRA Distribution
If you are 72 or older it is possible to donate a part of or all of your minimum required distribution from your IRA to GreenAllies tax-free. Consult your tax or financial adviser.
Estate Gifts
By naming GreenAllies as a beneficiary in your estate plans through a will, trust, retirement plan, or insurance policy, you help sustain our programs and support our students in becoming the leaders of the future.
We accept unused gift cards of all kinds.
You can also support us by recycling cell phones, eyeglasses and used ink cartridges with us. Just leave them in the container on the porch.
Maybe we missed something you think we can use? Feel free to make suggestions!
Contact Ken with ideas.