Green Allies

Althouse Arboretum

Native Plans

At the Arboretum native plants are a priority. Though we often add other plants that are right for the environment we like to keep the majority of plants as natives as they are the best support for the environment being most beneficial to local insects, birds and wildlife.

On the main trail you’ll find a native plant ID garden across from the greenhouse. This is designed to help you identify native plants at the Arboretum as well as assist you in choosing native plants for your own garden.

Why plant natives?

Here are some reasons from the Audobon Society. You’ll also find here by putting in your zipcode you get a handy database of the most beneficial plants to bring more birds to your yard.

Native Plant Sale

Stay tuned for the exciting news!

Don’t forget to see our Pinterest Page for plants and trees in the Arboretum!


U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping is one of the most comprehensive guides to native plants, their habitat, soil and light requirements, wildlife value as well as pictures!

Here’s another, with natives suitable to PA landscapes from Ladybird Johnson’s Wildflower site. Here you can put in your light, soil, moisture, height and bloom time and find the best PA natives to plant.

What native plants do best on your property? Try these.

Learn more about home landscaping with natives on our blog.



Common Trees of PA – If you’re looking to identify local trees this is a good place to start.

Trees are not only beautiful but also essential as living filters, removing pollution from the air we breathe and the water we drink. Trees provide homes and food for wildlife and beautify our homes with comforting shade in summer and shelter from winter winds. With wise management, forests can produce these benefits for future generations as they have in the past.


What don’t you want in your garden? Invasive plants that crowd out natives and provide no food for birds, mammals or pollinators. Invasive plants displace native species; 2/3rds of all endangered plant and animal species are threatened by them. They reproduce rapidly: this trait excludes nearly all other plants, thereby severely reducing biodiversity. Many of our native pollinators need native plants to feed and reproduce, without the natives they die. Bowman’s Hill has one of the best resources on what are invasive plants and what you can do about them.

Here are invasive plants we’ve identified at the Arboretum.

PA Field Guide to Common Invasive Plants in Riparian Areas
A list of plants invasive in some Pennsylvania parks and forests

Wild Edible Plants

Edibles are growing right in your own backyard!  Here’s a fun guide for beginners.