Sign Up to work with GreenAllies to improve your club; to get help for your project; or to turn your sustainability idea into reality.
What is the Green Allies Student Network?
We are a national network of students and school groups working toward a more sustainable future. The Student Network is open to any student between the ages of 13-18 and for any student-led sustainability project
Have an idea on how to make your community more sustainable? Do you want to make a difference but don’t know how to start or where to get funding to help?
Join the Student Network and GreenAllies will help you get it done!
Scholarship Opportunities
Money for your project
Training Sessions
Conference Discounts
Experts available to help with your projects
Environmental Leadership Training
Communicate with other students working on similar things
Be part of a national certification program
NO COST NO OBLIGATIONS Just a desire to make a difference.
Founded by students for students, The Green Allies Student Network has been facilitating connections, knowledge sharing, networking, and providing peer and expert support for organizing and executing sustainability projects for the past decade.
How Do I Get Started?
STEPS: 1. Complete the application form (You need at least 2 students and an adult supervisor)
2. Complete the pledge on the form
3. And you are in! Just keep checking your email for more information and updates.