This is your one chance! Bring your recyclables to the Althouse Arboretum and out student volunteers will remove all items and recycle them properly. This event is rain or shine! Start your spring clean up now!
This is a “DRIVE THROUGH” event. You must bring everything in your vehicle and drive them to the Althouse Arboretum. There will be plenty of students there to unload.
The cost is $10 per vehicle, with no other charges.
We accept:
All kinds of large appliances: ovens, refrigerators, microwaves, freezers, etc. All items must be cleaned out. Do not tape door shut.
Air conditioners and dehumidifiers With freon.
Clothing and Shoes: We are accepting all clothing and shoes (please separate). Place in large plastic bags, if possible
Household Goods: Includes utensils, small working electronics, hard and soft toys, knickknacks, etc… Please place in bags.
NO furniture, books or pillows
All types of metal! Anything made mostly of metal. Includes scrap metal. NO propane tanks. Any motors must be drained of all gasoline and oil.
Wires and cords.
Laptops, ipads, cell phones and computer ink cartridges (no toner cartridges)