Internship Positions for College Students Interested in Working On Sustainability Initiatives
With a mission “To empower and support students as they become environmental sustainability leaders”, GreenAllies wants to create internships that provide unique and exciting opportunities that make a difference.
Who Should Apply?
Motivated college students who are interested in working with a fast-growing nonprofit seeking to promote sustainability through student empowerment. If you love working for environmental preservation, willing to meet new people, enjoy networking and building relationships, and want to make a difference to local communities and regional school students, then you should consider applying.
With some internship positions, most of the work will be done remotely. Outdoor Internships at: The Althouse Arboretum 1794 Gilbertsville Road Pottstown, PA
Time Commitment
Time can be negotiated based on the student request 10-15 Hours per week (Summer: May through August) or Options available during other times of year, contact GreenAllies.
Internship Positions/Responsibilities
At the Althouse Arboretum:
Assistant Land Manager
Responsible for maintenance and development of our environmental education center trails, features, and public gardens.
Education Assistant
Plan, design and run summer camps and other public environmental education programs
Organic Farm Manager
Run and manage our 1 acre student-run vegetable farm. Harvest for our CSA to support families in need throughout the Pottstown region.
Remote Options:
Assistant Development Coordinator
Create and implement a development plan that details how GreenAllies identifies funding sources such as grants, in-kind donations, and marketing opportunities.
Digital Media and Design Coordinator
Use your design skills to create beautiful and easy-to-understand content for the GreenAllies programs.
Communications Coordinator
Develop advertising strategies for GreenAllies programs, maintain connections with partners, donors and students, and work on media relations.
How to Apply
Please contact Ken Hamilton ken@green-allies.org at GreenAllies for more information and questions.